Итак, найдите "проблемное" приложение (ярлык на рабочем столе или исполняемый exe-файл. Moving a working C# project from a 64 bit windows 7 machine to a 32 bit XP machine caused the following error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component. I have an urgent request from client to enable loading of the word files(.doc). the current functionality uses, OpenXml which allows only docx files, and throws. VisualStudio에서 디버깅할 때 다음과 같은 에러가 발생한다면 COMException이(가) 처리되지 않았습니다. 처리되지 않은 'System.Runtime. Итак, найдите проблемное приложение (ярлык на рабочем столе или исполняемый exe-файл. Comments This article applies to AspUpload, AspEmail, AspJpeg, AspGrid, AspEncrypt, AspUser, and AspPDF. レジストリエラーは0x80040154のような問題を引き起こします。Reimageを使ってご自身のパソコンをスキャンされることをお. I developed a web application using asp.net C# to place online orders. my app. works fine on SAP server (windows 2008 R2) but when I copied my project to my local. Microsoft Access runtime error: Class Not Registered Run-time Error -2147221164 (80040154). Log In: Ingrese su Usuario y Contrase a: Usuario: Password:. Hi guys 'n gals, I have a Build and Capture Task Sequence that wont continue after a reboot. It has been working fine up till now. And I cant determine when it would. mvbox播放器是一款集在线录歌,k歌,唱歌,卡拉ok,网络ktv,视频录像, mv制作,下载于一体的多媒体娱乐软件.另外,强大的虚拟视频. A “page fault” is a term used to describe a miscommunication between a computer’s page file and non-paged area. Page faults are also known It has come to our attention that Google Chrome is flagging calls to the DYMO Web Service as “not secure.” This has been causing many of our users to have issues. 一. 常见问题及解决方法 1. 当通过WMI添加服务器、Microsoft NET、Exchange服务器时,提示“验证失败。请确认用户名和密码”。. Most Freq Tips Open a Ticket. Submit a support request online for email support or if you have Premier Support to schedule a remote/phone support session. A faster duplicate picture finder with 100% accurate results you will love! Comparing picture contents, 100% accurate result; High-speed comparison algorithm. Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers Iniciar sesion MSN. Abrir sesion MSN Messenger. Abrir MSN. Iniciar MSN Messenger. Msn no inicia sesion. No abre sesion. Error al iniciar sesion.
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- Как исправить ошибку 0x80040154 (класс не зарегистрирован.